Friday, March 4, 2011

dont waste ur time

"jangan melihat orang dari satu sisi"

sekarang gue ngerti kenapa dia nggak ngasi tau tentang hal se bahagia itu. karena dia nggak mau ganggu gue belajar. kemarin dia baru sms hari jum'at which mean besoknya libur. jadi intinya dia itu bukannya gak mau nge share, tapi menghormati kesibukan gue. kkekekek

jam 11 les private nih, semoga dapet pelajarannya
aduh gue ini dari kemarin belum belajar apa-apa lho. kalo gak les mungkin gue sama sekali gak belajar. minggu ini kalo mau belajar malah gambar. bete ah, harus lebih serius nih

Monday to Thursday --> Try Out!!!

driving license

Hari ini gak ada pelajaran sama sekali, ee banget. akhirnya gue dijemput pulang sama ibu gue. terus nganterin ibu sama tante gue bazaar di Senayan.

abis itu pulangnya belajar mobil bentar. eh gak bentar deng. 3 jam, diajarin banyak deh, soalnya kalo jalan biasa dan belok belok aja udah bisa. jadi tadi itu belajar:
- jalan mepet trotoar kanan/kiri
- belok patah mepet trotoar
- nanjak trotoar
- jalan mundur mepet trotoar
- parkir mundur mepet trotoar
- ngebut & ngerem mendadak
- main kopling / gak boleh nginjek rem

terus pas pulang ngobrol tentang mesin. Thanks alot God you give me a super dad like him XD
ada kecelakaan dikit sih, jadi pas belajar belok mepet trotoar ada burung dara gitu gak mau minggir. gue merhatiin burung dara itu, takut kena. eh pelek bannya nyerempet trotoar gitu. maaf ya, bapak. hhehe

Quote from my Father:
"kalau belajar itu yang susah. kalau belajar yang gampang terus gak bisa-bisa"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Joyex Anniversaire, Terra!!

Yesterday was Terra's birthday. actually his name was Joel Haushalter but Jack (Ven) and me call him Terra 'cause that was perfect nick name for three of us. (Terra, Ven, Aqua). and Joel comes from France :D

so, i made him this picture today as his birthday present

L.R (Aqua) i've search on google "happy birthday anime" and i've got something like this pict. but i change it into short hair :3

Joel Haushalter (Terra) i try to draw him from his photo. im sorry if it's look bad T.T

Jack (Ven) This is Roxas, actually XD

p.s sorry terpakso pake bhs inggris, wakkakak abisan biar orangnya baca juga

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

jebakan batman >8)

hhahahaha yaampun gue ngakak ngeliat ada orang yang nge search di google "rambutku dipotong" terus ngebuka blog gue yang diary nya si BOW601. wakkakakak kena jebakan bet men lo. BOW601 kan cuman boneka percobaan gue.

oke gue baru pulang dan gue pingin mandi. panas bangeettt. tapi rumah kosong, nunggu ntar aja deh baru mandi.

gue lagi semangat belajar nih. berkorban sebulan untuk selamanya :D

Monday, February 28, 2011


Berhenti bimbel maeeee**** yeaay. mulai besok gue private sama mahasiswa dari Universitas UI jusrusan MIPA. semoga aja ngajarnya asik dan pinter. dan semoga gue makin bagus nilainya. amin

goodluck juga buat yang mau ujian. sampe ketemu lagi abis ujian

talk less, do more, start now.
go, fight, win

oiya, thanks a lot God you give me father like him. gue jadi termotivasi lagi

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Haanii's Treasure!

kemarin (Saturday 26th February 2011 setelah dua temen gue *baca post mereka=not me* pulang) saudara favorite gue : mbak Zuhrohariri Parwatiana dan Haani Roobiah Parwatiana main ke rumah untuk nginep sampai Sunday 27th February (sehari doang) hhehee, mereka dateng malem pas gue lagi main playstation home kalo nggak salah. terus haanii ngajakin belajar bareng. yaudah akhirnya gue bilang kalo gue off jam 12.30am, soo dari jam 12, gue udah pamit-pamitan sama temen-temen di home mau vakum sebulan sampai 28 april T.T hiks lama nya. udah gitu di hari terakhir gue main playstation itu, si sp**dy dc nggak karuan. Astagfirullah, ngenyee banget udah hari terkahir, dc pula tp Allhamdulilah masih bisa sign in XD

ya terus gitu deh kita cerita-cerita sampe jam 2am. itu juga gara-gara di stop, kalo nggak lanjut itu sampe pagi. wehhehe

daann kotak Treasure nya Haanii ketinggalan, so buat object foto gue deh. hhehe

taken by her before she went home

taken by me. Save My Money Here

TREASURE. dont try to stolen!

love her and her sister alot

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Black Hawk Down

i've learn many things from that movie and this is quotes from "Black Hawk Down"

Nobody asks to be a hero, it just sometimes turns out that way.
-Sgt Eversmann

Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that fuck just goes right out the window.
-Sgt "Hoot"

It's what you do right now that makes a difference. 
-Sgt Strucker

Where's the rescue squad?
-Mike Durant
Were It
-Sgt Randy Shughart

If we don't hold down this city we are gonna have 100 caskets to fill by morning. 
-General Garrison

You shouldn't have come here. This is a civil war. This is our war, not yours.
-Osmann Otto 
General Garrison: 300,000 dead and counting. That's not a war Mr. Atto. That's genocide.
-General Garrison

LTC McKnight: You, get up there and drive! 
Clay Othic: But I'm shot Colonel! 
LTC McKnight: Everybody's shot! We need the prisoners, let's go! 

Dominick Pilla: Colonel! Colonel! They're shooting at us! 
LTC McKnight: Well shoot back! 

Do you think if you get General Aidid, we will simply put down our weapons and adopt American democracy? That the killing will stop? We know this. Without victory, there will be no peace. There will always be killing, see? This is how things are in our world. 
-Abdullah 'Firimbi' Hassan

and the last one, (i really wanna say something like this sometimes) "Hooah!" (understand, ay, or something like that)